Thursday, June 25, 2009


last day, I went to mid valley with my friend..
just hang out with old friends...
after this holiday it'll be hard meet them n hang out with them again..
but what i want to tell is that day so many people wearing kotak-kotak shirt (including me...)
it's like everywhere we went there must be someone (at least) that wear that shirt...
and the funny thing is my adik said there was some people wearing the same kind of shirt..
she said she found one at the upstairs the other one at downstairs and the other one is one of the shopkeeper.. (thank god i didn't found anyone wearing the same t-shirt as me)..
my adik told my mother.. her response "maybe ade sale kot baju tu, sebab tue ramai yang beli"..
haa..haa.. maybe laa..

kotak-kotak rule.. hee..hee..

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

TITIWANGSA HERE I COME!! with bicycle..

since i've been in utm kl i always have a little adventure..
last time, in the middle of exam week..
me with ayu, nab, lijah n im going to taman tasik titiwangsa by bicycle.. (borrowed from someone.. i'm not sure who..)
at first from what they said, i thought it just nearby..
and i'm absolutely thought they really know how to get there..
but they not.. they just 'teka2' only..
we use duke highway to get there.. lucky there is not much car there..
because it saturday and it's still early in the morning...
so.. along the way, the car honk and staring at us.. (i'm not sure if they're mad or what??) like we're doing a bad things..
we're using transportation too.. (bicycle one of the transport right??)..
first thing that came up to my mind...
are we need to pay for the toll..
but motorcycle doesn't need right.. so we're..
acctually it' not easy like it seem..
cause we'd to go up the hill and it's absolutely not just nearby..
but we still manage to be there... a lot of people...
you know weekend morning at the park...
and that day, one competition dikir barat was held there..
competition between high school around kl and selangor..
im really excited to see the show..

im: jom ah tengok jap!!
nab: alah.. wat pe dikir barat jer..
lijah: ntah cam x pernah tgk..
ana: alaa.. kesian die kite lalu je laa..
ayu:ntah layan la kejap.. penat kayuh dr td..

5 minute after that..

ana: dah.. dah.. jom blk.. perjalanan kite jauh nie..
nab: haah.. dah makin panas nie..
lijah: im! jom balik..
im: jap..jap..

on the way blk..

ana: x kan nak lalu duke lg kot.. nnt kite b'tentangan jln..
im: x pe.. aku tau jalan lain ikut halim lu..
ana: la kau dah pernah gi..
im: mmg la tp naik keta...

not duke anymore but a normal road across celcom building.. the campus..
it still far.. and a lot and a lot of car...
and this time more car look at we like we're alien (not like doing something bad anymore)..
but it's fun.. really fun..
i really enjoy it.. hee..he...
i kinda wanna do it again...hee..

lijah, ayu, nab n me.. (im the cameraman)..


i just read a blog from one of my old friends..
i kinda lost contact of him.. but i still remember him (a little..)..
from what i'd read, i think he's change a lot..
or i don't really know him before..
hmm.. i'm not sure..
but from what i know he's totally change from what i ever imagined before..
i'm not gonna tell what he had changes.. it's private.. hee..hee..

the point is people changes..
maybe we don't realize it.. that's why people always say "i'm still like before.." "the same old me"
but everyone must changed to become more matured.. right..
people change by time, environment, new clique...
there are people course of other's people..
you know.. because of admire or love...
they start take care of their look (before.. mirror never existed)..
take care of their manner.. (b4 nakal nak mati..)
know how to think about other people other then himself only..
suddenly become so puitis like Shakespear or A. Samad Said..
haa..haa.. and many more..
I can see a lot of my friends changes..
maybe we were getting older and should be matured right..
just some change more to positive but some...
hmm.... why when we getting older suppose to be more matured..
then we suppose to change to be more and more positive...
but still doing something negative..
it's weird right even we're already know the consequences...
and we always have 'the brain'..
so use it wisely...

hmm.. what i've been changed ha??
maybe you can tell me...
because i will say "i'm still like before, the same old me"..