Tuesday, December 16, 2008


as you know the purpose of my little adventure... watched twilight movie laa... i'd told you right!
so I wanted to tell a little bit about that..
lily (my friend) really crazy with this movie because of the novel she had read and of course edward cullen (in the novel it's had been describe as the most handsome man in the world) so of course every girl fallen for him... she always talk about edward, rob pattinson blaa..blaa..blaa... twilight... it's make me looking forward to watch that movie so much.. (so easy to be influence right!)... as I heard what lily told.. the movie must be romantic action movie.. but after i watched the movie it was a bit disappointed because there were not much action in the movie... as i expected.. i thought vampire movie should had a lot of action.. fly here and there.. fighting with the bad vampire...and more 18SG... (i'm not violence ok).. just wanna more fun.... but now i just download all the twilight novel... so stop till here i wanna read the novel... they say novel is more exciting.. (thought it's always like that)... byee... edward cullen just across my room... look like he wanted to find someone..(maybe me)

me n anis.. on the way to the movie..

at campus plan to ponteng...hee..hee..

to prove i'd watched it